

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Tender Notice

Tender notice from  local election office seoni

03/02/2021 23/02/2021 View (3 MB)
Tender notice printing

Tender notice for printing the ballot for the local election in the attached PDF file

18/11/2020 10/12/2020 View (2 MB)
Tender Notice

See the attached PDF file of tender notice for rubber stamps in local election office

29/10/2020 20/11/2020 View (2 MB)
Auction unused items

auction for different unused items at collector office seoni

15/06/2020 24/06/2020 View (620 KB)
Vehicle Auction

Auction of vehicles in Office of Collector Seoni last date 26/08/2019 at 4.00 pm

14/08/2019 26/08/2019 View (677 KB)