

The district, is  basic territorial unit of administration and the narrative on the organizational set-up of the collectorate mainly covers land-records and allied matters, law and order, service delivery development. The Collector is assisted by revenue department officers and other more than 70 department district level officer with their subordinate staff.

The Collector, as the head of the district administration is the key functionary of the Government, having vast executive powers and wide responsibilities. The collector is representative of government in the district and escalate matters to state government beyond his executive powers. He is the custodian of law and order as District Magistrate and the pivot of district administration. He exercises general supervision over various departments for their non-technical work. Co-ordination of the activities of various Departments, control over local-self-governing bodies, execution of schemes /work initiated by central or state government including elections, Census, Relief work in time of emergencies. The Collector is also vested with statutory powers under many acts to implement policy of the Government. He is chairman in number of district level committees.